One thing can be said for Texas Tech football. They're never really out of a game. This year, my beloved Red Raiders had scored 24 times on scoring drives less no longer than two minutes. And, their opponent in the Insight Bowl, the Golden Gophers of Minnesota (contain your laughter), have the 113rd ranked passing defense in the nation--out of 119 teams. Coincidently, Graham Harrell, Texas Tech's quarterback, is the second leading passer in the nation in just his sophomore year. So when we're down 38-7 to Minnesota with 7 minutes left in the 3rd quarter, the translation reads: We got 'em right where we want 'em.
Especially true when Coach Mike Leach is always too dumb to know he's out of contention. He could be down by 50 points with a quarter of football left and he's thinking, "Oh yeah, this game's ours." He's also brilliant enough to orchestrate this sort of comeback. In a way, he's like that kid in grade school who was like cool repellent, but he could flip a Rubik's cube like Bill Gates.
What Leach accomplished in the Insight Bowl was nothing short of astounding. He lead his team back from 31 points down with only 22 minutes of football remaining to win, 44-41. And, in case you were wondering, that 31-point comeback is the largest comeback for a victory in the history of all bowl games.
Tech wins. Minnesota gets a lesson in real football and I dance around the living room for about an hour afterwards.
Maybe next year we'll get televised on something other than the NFL Network.
Gotta bowl of sauerkraut and a cold beer and about three days of work to do on my year-end list in about 30 hours. Ugh. What did I get myself into?
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