This could actually get lumped into the first way of securing yourself the worst service in town (see "INSULTING THE ASSOCIATE") because this insults the associate and makes the associate ponder the inevitable question, "What, am I not good enough?" -- a question that is usually not dwelled on for more than three seconds before they turn around and walk the opposite direction. It doesn't matter how you say it (even the broken glass version, "Um, well, is there anyone else that might know?" or, even better, the bluntly rude version, "Well, since you don't know squat, who in this hellhole does?"), even suggesting it is rude. Don't audibly ask his question. Just get those feet-a-moving and go FIND yourself some more help. Don't be lazy, don't be rude. Don't try and prove a point by putting down someone to make yourself feel happy because you don't have to tolerate people like yourself to put money in your back pocket. Either find the help you need quietly and subtly or, hey, here's an idea: MAKE YOURSELF USEFUL AND HELP YOURSELF.
For all those people who were ever dumb enough to ask this question, here's an ugly cat with all of his hair shaved off JUST FOR YOU.

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