Monday, May 02, 2005


I got a serious late pass on this record because, well, I don't listen to a lot of rock records and it takes years before I discover the great records that rock has to offer, but this has got to be one of the most beautiful modern rock records I've ever heard. The melodies, the instrumentation...everything is in the right place. It's stunning. Go to your local Hastings and pick up this record. You'll smile, laugh, sing along, sob and dance your col' ass off. I'm gonna go over the top (it doesn't take much) and say this record restored my faith in today's rock music.


Chrissy said...

Amen to THAT - Arcade Fire rocks. All about someone making weird liner notes, too.

j3 said...

welcome, sassy. i wouldn't judge my taste however too quickly. my lovely wife would contend that i have the worst taste in music.

sarahsmile3 said...

ah yes, but your lovely wife likes Celine.........
sorry Erin.
You know I hold you in the highest regard aside from your favoritism of the Diva that is "CELINE".

scumdog steev said...

open a hey-it-stings in h-town, and i'll buy this record.

conroe and galveston don't count, since they're each 1hr+ from me.

sure, best buy probably has it. we'll see.

j3 said...

atta boy, scumdog. put that big money you're making back into the music industry. we need all the help we can get right now.